When you give your art everything, we do everything to reward it
Since 2017, the BBA Gallery, Berlin, has been working with and empowering ‘emerging’ to ‘mid-career’ artists from all over the world. These terms don’t really matter of course, what matters is that you have someone on your side; to champion you and your work. A gallery that will open those ever so stubborn doors of the industry, introduce you to who’s who inside and share your artistic vision with the rest of the world.
The annual prizes that you’ll find on this site may just be the start of your journey with us. We seriously consider all entries for gallery representation - from the longlisted to winners. You can see proof of this on our gallery website, and even if we don’t choose to represent you, we aim to work with you after your solo show the best we can.
As artists ourselves, we get that the struggle is real. Before BBA, we started an artist-run project space and formed our ethos: To seek out talented, passionate artists from anywhere in the world and give them a platform and all the nurturing they need.
It’s not where you’re from, but where you wanna go
For us, it doesn’t matter how old or where an artist is from for their work to be great. Artists sadly do have a history of being marginalised in terms of solo shows, pricing and sales…but that's just not our bag. At BBA, we can very proudly say that the artists that we represent currently come from a wide range of backgrounds, many of which are female. This wasn’t some part of a grand plan or gesture, but we’re delighted it’s worked out that way.
You make the art, we’ll make a world of difference
The world may be getting smaller but our vision grows every day. At BBA, we are passionate that art is the most powerful vehicle for thoughts, feelings and concepts… and its very own form of communication. Because of this, we regularly create and have taken part in collaborations with galleries and artistic projects from all over the world.
What’s in a name?
For us, the story’s quite dark…
For those wondering, quite simply, BBA stands for Berlin Blue Art. Still none the wiser? Well, let us take you back to the start of the 18th century. Wigs were big, and so was the search for new pigments that wouldn’t fade over time.
In 1704, while conducting experiments with the oxidation of iron, a new dark and deep blue pigment was created. It was made available to artists 20 years later and you’d now know it as Prussian Blue. We, however, like to keep things real at BBA, as real as this ground-breaking colour became, so we honoured its original title. It allowed artists to portray the beauty of the world around them, in a forever-lasting captivating form. Just like that artwork, we’re not going anywhere (but up) and share art and ideas the world over.
The only mistake one can make, is not asking for help
To make sure we can continue to seek out great art, we need to also find great sponsors and partners. It not only helps us create great opportunities for the artists, but also the supporters themselves with loads of exposure opportunities. If you’d like to find out more, please do so here.
We’re in it together
Renata Kudlacek
Renata Kudlacek is a mixed media artist and has been working within curation, art education and project management since her MA graduation in Fine Art from the Royal College of Art, London, UK. She moved from London to Berlin in 2012.
Vishal Shah
Creative Director
Vishal Shah is an artist and creative director. He has a Master in Fine Art from the Royal College of Art, London. He has lectured in various art institutions in the UK and has worked in advertising and marketing. Vishal is Mumbai born, London raised, and a Berlin’er by choice since 2011.